Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Time

I had a wonderful time at the lake this past weekend with the Giffin family. Friends are such a blessing and I am so thankful I have so many great ones! I am very tired after the weekend, but hopefully I can get back in the groove of things for this week. 2 more weeks in this mini-mester praise Jesus! I can't wait until it is over and I have 3 whole classes out of the way! Whoo hoo!

Today has been a bitter-sweet day so far... I am really missing my niece and nephew and need to visit them really soon, so I am thinking I will go home over 4th of July weekend and pay them a visit which makes me super duper excited!

Well that's all I've got today. I really don't know how exactly this blog thing works, so I might ask Sarah, she seems to be pretty good at it!

Have a wonderful and blessed day and may we show the light of the Lord in all we do today. : )



Sarah Brewer said...

hahahaahaha " I might ask Sarah, she seems to be pretty good at it!"